Better Software Testing: Kualitee and GitHub


With the Kualitee-GitHub integration, you can enhance your software testing by making it more efficient and saving time.

Integration Overview

GitHub is a widely used development platform. The Kualitee-GitHub two-way integration allows you to sync your issues between both tools. Each GitHub project can be linked with a Kualitee project to sync all the reported issues that exist in both projects. Since it’s a two-way integration, all updates that are made on the issue will automatically get synced, including a change in status, additional comments, and associations changed through Kualitee.

Key Features

With the Kualitee-GitHub integration, you can make your testing process a whole lot easier. 

Here are some key features we’d like to highlight. 

With Kualitee-GitHub,

  • You will be able to sync issues with ease.
  • Auto-sync lets you detect and cross-reference activity between your both projects.
  • You can close or change the status, and assign different labels to your issues either in GitHub or from Kualitee. This will help your QA and Dev teams to remain in sync.

For more details on Kualitee-GitHub, including how to configure, visit our User Guide. 
