Integrates with Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source CI/CD tool that helps deliver apps faster by introducing automation at different software development stages. It enables developers to continuously integrate changes into the build. Jenkins’ integration with Kualitee speeds up the continuous delivery processes and consequently, the entire test management cycle. You wouldn’t have to juggle different windows, and can get updated on everything in Kualitee.


Key feature:

Developers will be able to use Jenkins’ features within Kualitee, while being able to check the status of their builds without having to navigate to Jenkins. All you have to do is to map a Jenkins’ build upon a Kualitee project, and sync the status of the builds within Kualitee. 



To integrate Kualitee with Jenkins, you have to configure the Jenkins server such that it allows you to sync the Jenkins’ builds from within Kualitee.

To Configure:

  • Go to Settings and select Integration from the top bar
  • Go to ‘Create New’ in the external tool integration listing
  • Select Jenkins tool from the drop-down menu
  • Enter details of your Jenkins account

Click ‘Save’ to confirm a successful integration and to start syncing builds